
This website belongs to and is managed by Atelier Spooks & Spanks. By using this site, you agree that you have read and understood the terms of use and accept to respect them.

Any content published on this website belongs to Atelier Spooks & Spanks and its creators. This includes, but isn't limited to, pictures, texts, videos, documents, and anything that contributes to the making of this site.

As a user of this website, you accept to use this website legally and not to use it to ill-intended purposes such as:
-Harass or mistreat other users of the site
-Violate the rights of other users of the site
-Violate the intellectual property rights of the site owners or any third party to the site
-Hack into the account of another user of the site
-Act in any way that could be considered fraudulent
-Participate in any illegal activity on the site
-Post any material that may be deemed inappropriate or offensive
-Publicly degrading the company or its employees


If we believe that you are using this site illegally or in a manner that violates the above acceptable terms of use, we reserve the right to limit, suspend or terminate your access to this site. We also reserve the right to take any legal steps necessary to prevent you from accessing our site.

Users can post the following information:

Audience comment
By posting publicly on our site, you agree not to act illegally or violate the terms of acceptable use listed in this document.

We accept the following payment methods:
  • Bank card
  • PayPal
  • Google pay
  • Apple Pay
When you provide us with your payment information, you confirm to us that you have authorized the use and access to the payment instrument you have chosen to use. By providing us with your payment details, you confirm that you authorize us to charge the amount due to this payment instrument.
If we believe your payment has violated any law or any of our terms of service, we reserve the right to cancel your transaction.